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sábado, 9 de julio de 2011

Report Uranium Mining and Milling in Australia. Appendix 1.1: In situ leaching method of extracting uranium. Senate. Parliament of Australia.

Uranium Mining and Milling in Australia

Established - 2 May 1996

Reported - 15 May 1997

MAY 1997
Commonwealth of Australia
Print ISBN 0 642 25135 5
This report was published by the Senate Information Services Section, Parliament House, Canberra from files prepared by the secretariat of the Senate SElect Committee on Uranium Mining and Milling.


[Note: Some Appendices are not provided in full in the on-line version of this report. Appendices may be obtained from the Committee or the Commonwealth Government Bookshop.]
Appendix P1: List of written submissions
Appendix 1.3: Principal findings and recommendations of the Ranger inquiry
Appendix 2.1: Draft guidelines for an Environmental Statement on the proposed development of Jabiluka No. 2 uranium mine

    Paul Kay, Science, Technology, Environment & Resource Group, Parliamentary Research Service
    Derek Drinkwater, Committee Office, Department of the Senate
    Dr R. Panter, Director of Science, Technology, Environment & Resource Group, Parliamentary Research Service
    Dr J. Leigh, Worksafe Australia
    Irene Wilson, Committee Office, Department of the Senate
    David Anderson, Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Group, Parliamentary Research Service


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